
Harmonia is a music theory application that combines music notation, automatic music analysis, word processing, and multimedia playback. The goal of Harmonia is to replace paper-based music theory — textbooks, workbooks, handouts, homework and tests — with enriched PDF documents that allow music content to be created, edited, searched, annotated, automatically analyzed and automatically graded, all within an elegant, user-friendly interface.

To learn more about our project and goals you can view an introductory presentation.

Illiac Software has begun commercializing the music theory app Harmonia. As part of this process, we have removed our free concept version from iTunes. Please check this site in the coming months for progress reports and announcements. To contact us with questions about Harmonia, please send your email to contact@illiacsoftware.com for questions and comments.


Harmonia PDF Documents
Harmonia documents are a dynamic flow of text, images and analytical scores with MIDI, audio and video playback. Document format is PDF so Harmonia content looks exactly the same when you print it or open it in an external PDF viewer.
Embedded Scores and MusicXML
Harmonia's embedded score browser contains the complete Bach Chorales and (a few) piano scores. You can add your own scores to the browser by importing them from MusicXML. This feature is in development.
Multimedia Resources
Harmonia pages can link to external multimedia resources without having to switch applications. Audio, video and MIDI playback is controlled directly on the page using Harmonia's own pop-up multimedia transports. Notation playback uses a high-quality MIDI plugin with realtime controls over tempo and volume.
Analytical Searching
Harmonia can search scores for roman numerals, sonorities, and compositional features such as unresolved leading tones, parallel octaves, etc. Searching happens real-time and matches are highlighted directly in the score.