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Configuring Documents in an Assignment Set
After documents are added to an assignment set, they are listed on the assignment edit page. Each document has several attributes you can configure. You can expand/fold the configuration by clicking the triangle icon on the left of the document title.
Document Title
This is the name of the document that appears in students' cloud menu.
File name
Below the document title is the name of the .har file. To preview the file, click the eye icon next to the file name.
Practice mode
When this attribute is off, the document is treated as a formal assignment. A formal Harmonia assignment is similar to the concept of how most people understand the term homework. In this mode, the harmonia document has the following properties:
Only one submission is allowed: students are only allowed to submit the document once after they complete the entire document unless the teacher manually overrides this property. You can allow students to submit the homework multiple times by checking the Allow multiple submissions checkbox.
File is saved on Students' computers: students can save the homework document on their computers if the document is counted toward course grade. They can save the document in progress and finish the document later. The graded document is also saved on their disk.
Teacher can delay showing grade to students: This behavior simulates how traditional homework is handled. By default, Harmonia shows students graded homework with markups when students click the Submit button. However, if a harmonia document is not in Practice mode, teacher can keep Harmonia from showing students the graded homework until a later date. When students open the saved document after the date has passed, they will see the markups and grade added to their document.
On the other hand, if the attribute Practice Mode is on, Harmonia treats the document as an informal practice for students. In this case, the file is not saved on students computer, students can download the documents and grade it multiple times, and the feedback is always shown to students when the document is graded. Besides, in this mode, you can also allow students to submit a partially finished document to check the correctness of their answers as they progress the homework. Harmonia only grades filled answer in this case.
In short, a formal document where its Practice Mode box is not checked, it is meant for teachers to evaluate the proficiencies of the students, and a practice document is meant to encourage students to practice the homework until they are familiar with the content.
Timed document
A document can be timed. Harmonia hides the content of a timed document when it is downloaded until students hit Start. When the time is up, Harmonia grades and submits the document automatically.
Override Set Due Date
All the documents of an assignment set share the same assign date and due date. If, for some reason, you want to change the due date of one specific document, you can override it with this attribute.